Export and import services
This article describes how to export a service and its associated process, and how to import the service in another ZervicePoint instance using ZervicePoint PowerShell Management.
Exporting a service and its associated process
Provider modules used by forms and activities are not included in the exported process. They must be copied manually.
- Set the ZervicePoint Powershell environment variables (ZPAPIURL, ZPAPIADFSHOST and ZPAPIAUDIENCEURI) if not already set
- Import the ZervicePoint Powershell module
Acquire a security token from your ADFS server
Not required if you are using an API Key
Use the Get-ZPService cmdlet to get the service you want to export
- Convert the service object to JSON and save to file
- Use the Get-ZPProcess cmdlet to get the process associated with the service
- Convert the process object to JSON and save to file
Export service and template
$env:ZPAPIURL = "https://zervicepoint.dev.local:30000/Store"
$env:ZPAPIADFSHOST = "authx.dev.zipper.se"
$env:ZPAPIAUDIENCEURI = "https://zervicepoint.dev.local/"
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Zipper\ZervicePoint\PowerShell\ZervicePoint.WebApi.PowerShell"
Get-ZPSecurityToken | Set-ZPSecurityToken
$service = Get-ZPService | Where { $_.Name -Eq "TestService" }
$serviceJson = ConvertTo-ZPJson -Service $service
$serviceJson | Out-File "C:\Temp\TestService.json"
$process = Get-ZPProcess -UniqueId $service.ProcessUniqueId
$processJson = ConvertTo-ZPJson -Process $process
$processJson | Out-File "C:\Temp\TestServiceProcess.json"
Importing a service and process
Before importing a service you must manually copy any provider modules used by forms and activities in the source service. Also make sure the modules and methods are inventoried before proceeding.
- Set the ZervicePoint Powershell environment variables (ZPAPIURL, ZPAPIADFSHOST and ZPAPIAUDIENCEURI) if not already set
- Import the ZervicePoint Powershell module
Acquire a security token from your ADFS server
Not required if you are using an API Key
Use the Get-Content cmdlet to read the contents of the service and process files
- Convert the JSON strings to actual service and process objects using ConvertFrom-ZPJson
- Use the New-ZPProcess cmdlet with the -PassThru switch to create the process
- Set the ProcessUniqueId property on the service object to point to the newly created process
- Use the New-ZPService cmdlet to create the service
Import service and template
$env:ZPAPIURL = "https://zervicepoint.dev.local:30000/Store"
$env:ZPAPIADFSHOST = "authx.dev.zipper.se"
$env:ZPAPIAUDIENCEURI = "https://zervicepoint.dev.local/"
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Zipper\ZervicePoint\PowerShell\ZervicePoint.WebApi.PowerShell"
Get-ZPSecurityToken | Set-ZPSecurityToken
$serviceJson = Get-Content "C:\Temp\TestService.json"
$processJson = Get-Content "C:\Temp\TestServiceProcess.json"
$service = $serviceJson | ConvertFrom-ZPJson -OutputObject Service
$process = $processJson | ConvertFrom-ZPJson -OutputObject Process
$newProcess = New-ZPProcess -Object $process -PassThru
$service.ProcessUniqueId = $newProcess.UniqueId
$newService = New-ZPService -Object $service -PassThru