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Scrive Plugin

The Scrive plugin helps you start a signing process for uploaded agreements, or template based agreements stored in Scrive. The signing process sends requests to the parties selected in the service.

Use the activity Start signing process from file in your Zervicepoint workflow to send a basic signature request for an uploaded agreement.

Use the activity Start signing process from template in your Zervicepoint workflow to send a basic signature request for an agreement based on a template in Scrive.

Use Get document status to see if the signature was signed or rejected.

For more advanced configurations, you can pass a JSON object using the Start signing process from file with json input or Start signing process from template with json input activities.

A complete documentation of Scrive's capabilities and json definitions can be found here: Scrive Document API

To get up to speed using this plugin, check out the usage section.


Activity Internal name Description
Start signing process from file StartSigningProcessFromFile Starts a document signing process based on an uploaded file and sends requests to parties.
Start signing process from file with json input StartSigningProcessFromFileWithJsonInput Starts a document signing process based on an uploaded file and sends requests to parties specified in json.
Start signing process from template StartSigningProcessFromTemplate Starts a document signing process based on a Scrive template and sends requests to parties.
Start signing process from template with json input StartSigningProcessFromTemplateWithJsonInput Starts a document signing process based on a Scrive template and sends requests to parties specified in json.
Get document status GetDocumentStatus Get a documents status. Returns a 'Status' variable with values: Preparation, Sent, Finished, or Rejected.
Get document GetDocument Get a documents pdf file. Returns the pdf file as a Zervicepoint File.

Installation and Configuration


OAuth Token

The Scrive plugin uses an oauth token when communicating with Scrive. You need to craft a custom oauth token either by:

Once the oauth token is crafted, you need to add the values to the credential store as described in the Credential Store section below.

The script below helps you craft an oauth token using PowerShell.

Input Description
ConsumerKey Get value from
ConsumerSecret Get value from
CallbackUrl Currently not used by ZervicePoint. Can be set to: https://test.local
# 0. Generate Client Credentials in Scrive

# Add client credentials identifier
$consumerKey = ""

# Add client credentials secret
$consumerSecret = ""

# Callback Url
$callbackUrl = "https://test.local"

# 1. Temporary credentials request and response

# Scrive host environment ( for production or for testing)
$hostName = ""

$privileges = "FULL_ACCESS"
$uri = "https://$hostName/oauth/temporarycredentials?privileges=$privileges"
$callbackUrlEscaped = $([uri]::EscapeDataString($callbackUrl))

$authorizationString = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=`"$consumerKey`",oauth_signature_method=`"PLAINTEXT`",oauth_callback=`"$callbackUrlEscaped`",oauth_signature=`"$($consumerSecret)%26`""

$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", $authorizationString)

$temporaryCredentialResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers

# 2. Authorization redirect
$token = $temporaryCredentialResponse -replace "oauth_token=" -replace "\&.*"


#     1. Open the url generated above (Step 2. Authorization redirect) in a web browser
#     2. Click on Grant Access
#     3. Copy the url from the web browser
#        It should look similar to this string: https://test.local/?=&oauth_token=123_456&oauth_verifier=123456
#     4. Paste the url in the $grantAccessResponse variable below.
$grantAccessResponse = ""

# 3. Token request and response
$oauthToken = $temporaryCredentialResponse -replace ".*oauth_token=" -replace "\&.*"
$oauthSignature = $consumerSecret + "&" + ($temporaryCredentialResponse -replace ".*oauth_token_secret=" -replace "\&.*")
$oauthVerifier = $grantAccessResponse -replace ".*oauth_verifier="

$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$authorizationString = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=`"$consumerKey`",oauth_token=`"$oauthToken`",oauth_signature_method=`"PLAINTEXT`",oauth_timestamp=`"1636012927`",oauth_nonce=`"X4ZB5W4NCbq`",oauth_version=`"1.0`",oauth_callback=`"$callbackUrlEscaped`",oauth_verifier=`"$oauthVerifier`",oauth_signature=`"$oauthSignature`""
$headers.Add("Authorization", $authorizationString)

$credentialResponse = Invoke-RestMethod "https://$($hostName)/oauth/tokencredentials" -Method GET -Headers $headers

$accessToken = $credentialResponse -replace ".*oauth_token=" -replace "\&.*"
$tokenSecret = ($credentialResponse -replace ".*oauth_token_secret=" -replace "\&.*")
$verifier = $oauthVerifier

# Output
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    CallbackUrl = $callbackUrl
    ConsumerKey = $consumerKey
    ConsumerSecret = $consumerSecret
    AccessToken = $accessToken
    TokenSecret = $tokenSecret
    Verifier = $verifier

Credential Store

Add the values as credential objects on the ProvisioningSystem server. The credential objects need to be added in the context of the service account running the ProvisioningSystem. The user name does not have any affect.

Name Value
ScriveConsumerKey Value of ConsumerKey
ScriveConsumerSecret Value of ConsumerSecret
ScriveAccessToken Value of AccessToken
ScriveTokenSecret Value of TokenSecret
ScriveVerifier Value of Verifier
# Start PowerShell in context of the service account running ProvisioningSystem

# Add Values
$consumerKey = ""
$consumerSecret = ""
$accessToken = ""
$tokenSecret = ""
$verifier = ""

New-PFCredential -Name ScriveConsumerKey -UserName 'scrive' -Password $consumerKey
New-PFCredential -Name ScriveConsumerSecret -UserName 'scrive' -Password $consumerSecret
New-PFCredential -Name ScriveAccessToken -UserName 'scrive' -Password $accessToken
New-PFCredential -Name ScriveTokenSecret -UserName 'scrive' -Password $tokenSecret
New-PFCredential -Name ScriveVerifier -UserName 'scrive' -Password $verifier

Update Provider Config


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
ConsumerKey ScriveConsumerKey Identifier for OAuth Consumer Key
ConsumerSecret ScriveConsumerSecret Identifier for OAuth Consumer Secret
AccessToken ScriveAccessToken Identifier for OAuth Access Token
TokenSecret ScriveTokenSecret Identifier for OAuth Token Secret
Verifier ScriveVerifier Identifier for OAuth Verifier
BaseUrl Scrive API url. Either or
CallbackUrl https://test.local Callback Url used when configuring oauth
ZPAPIURL URL To WebApi of your Store. The url must be set up as a key authentication in ZervicePoint.
UICulture en-US language to display state messages in (en-US or sv-SE)
