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Find processes with DOM-manipulations

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open SQL management studio, right-click on Zervicepoint database and choose Task/Export data...

    export data

  2. Click next to get to 'Choose a Data Source'
    Data source: SQL server
    Server name: \<Server where the zervicepoint database is>
    Database: Zervicepoint

    data source

  3. Click next and choose destination Destination: Microsoft Excel
    Excel file path: <The directory you want to save the file> e.g C:\temp\domManipulation
    Check 'First row has column names'

    choose destination

  4. Click next and choose 'Write a query to specify the data to transfer'

    table copy or query

  5. Click next and paste this sql statement

        p.Name AS 'Process name',
        f.Name as 'Form name',
        field.Name AS 'Field name',
        p.IsShared AS 'Shared process'
    FROM ProcessComponent.Processes AS p
        INNER JOIN ProcessComponent.Forms AS f ON f.ProcessId = p.Id
        INNER JOIN ProcessComponent.Fields AS field ON f.Id = field.FormId
        p.IsLatest = 1
        AND p.IsDeleted = 0
        AND (field.OnLoad LIKE '%get$Element%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%get$Container%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%getElement(%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%getContainer(%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%jQuery(%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%$(%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%jQuery.%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%$.%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%document.query%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%document.get%'
            OR field.OnLoad LIKE '%document.body%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%get$Element%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%get$Container%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%getElement(%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%getContainer(%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%jQuery(%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%$(%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%jQuery.%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%$.%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%document.query%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%document.get%'
            OR field.OnChange LIKE '%document.body%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%get$Element%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%get$Container%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%getElement(%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%getContainer(%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%jQuery(%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%$(%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%jQuery.%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%$.%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%document.query%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%document.get%'
            OR field.OnSubmit LIKE '%document.body%'
  6. Click next choose 'run immediatly' and click finish

    save and run package

    Now you should have a .xls file in the directory you chose in step 3.

Columns and explanations

Process name: The process name. If it is a guid then it is not a shared process. Therefore, only connected to one service.

Form name: The relevant form

Field name: The relevant field

Bound to: Which variable the field is bound to. If empty the field is not bound to a variable

OnLoad: The OnLoad script on the field

OnChange: The OnChange script on the field

OnSubmit: The OnSubmit script on the field

It is in the OnLoad, OnChange or OnSubmit column you will find the dom manipulations.

Common DOM-manipulations


To remedy these you can check out: Migration guide for the most common cases.