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PDF Automator Plugin

The PDF Automator Plugin enables the filling and saving of a PDF document with AcroFields and the creation of a services based on PDF-files. You can easily create service forms with form fields corresponding to the fields in the PDF and generate a filled PDF-form.

Data Sources

Data sources Type
Test-ZPPDFCartFile Webservice



Installation and Configuration

Update Provider Config


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
ZPAPIAuthType Key Specifies if the API of your Zervicepoint instance is configured to authenticate with Key. Set to ADFS if you are not using Key authentication.
ZPAPIURL The URL to your Zervicepoint store´s API
ZPAPIKeyCredentialName ZPApiKey The name of the credential that holds the API Key. To set an API Key first generate it in the Store settings. Then use Set-PFCredential -Name


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
ZPAPIAuthType Key Specifies if the API of your Zervicepoint instance is configured to authenticate with Key. Set to ADFS if you are not using Key authentication.
ZPAPIURL The URL to your Zervicepoint store´s API
ZPAPIKeyCredentialName ZPApiKey The name of the credential that holds the API Key. To set an API Key first generate it in the Store settings. Then use Set-PFCredential -Name