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Person Lookup Plugin

Enter a social security number and get all names and address information. Minimize the risk of misspelling names and keep your data integrity in check.


Activity Internal name Description
Get Swedish person information GetSwedishPersonInformation Get Swedish person information. Returns AddressCity, AddressCo, AddressFo, AddressStreet, AddressZip, FirstName, GivenName, LastName, PersonNr, PhoneNumber, and SocialSecurityNumber.
Get Finnish person information GetFinnishPersonInformation Get Finnish person information. Returns AddressCity, AddressCo, AddressFo, AddressStreet, AddressZip, FirstName, GivenName, LastName, PersonNr, PhoneNumber, and SocialSecurityNumber.
Get Norwegian person information GetNorwegianPersonInformation Get Norwegian person information. Returns AddressCity, AddressCo, AddressFo, AddressStreet, AddressZip, FirstName, GivenName, LastName, PersonNr, PhoneNumber, and SocialSecurityNumber.


Webservice Internal name Description
Get Swedish person information GetSwedishPersonInformation Get Swedish person information. Returns AddressCity, AddressCo, AddressFo, AddressStreet, AddressZip, FirstName, GivenName, LastName, PersonNr, PhoneNumber, and SocialSecurityNumber.
Get Finnish person information GetFinnishPersonInformation Get Finnish person information. Returns AddressCity, AddressCo, AddressFo, AddressStreet, AddressZip, FirstName, GivenName, LastName, PersonNr, PhoneNumber, and SocialSecurityNumber.
Get Norwegian person information GetNorwegianPersonInformation Get Norwegian person information. Returns AddressCity, AddressCo, AddressFo, AddressStreet, AddressZip, FirstName, GivenName, LastName, PersonNr, PhoneNumber, and SocialSecurityNumber.

Installation and Configuration

Credential Store

Add the values as credential objects on the ProvisioningSystem server. The credential objects need to be added in the context of the service account running the ProvisioningSystem (backend) and the ClientWebservice (frontend) account.

Name Value
ValitiveToken UserName and Password for the token request
ValitiveClient UserName and Password for the client credential
# Start 2 PowerShell sessions,
# one in the context of the ProvisioningSystem (backend) account
# one in the context of the ClientWebservice (frontend) account

# Add Values
$valitiveTokenUserName = ""
$valitiveTokenPassword = ""
$valitiveClientUserName = ""
$valitiveClientPassword = ""

New-PFCredential -Name ValitiveToken -UserName $valitiveTokenUserName -Password $valitiveTokenPassword
New-PFCredential -Name ValitiveClient -UserName $valitiveClientUserName -Password $valitiveClientPassword

Update Provider Config


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
BaseUrl Url to the valitive api
AuthorizationUrl Url to the valitive authorization service
TokenRequestCredentialName ValitiveToken Token request credentials
ClientCredentialName ValitiveClient Client credentials
UICulture en-US language to display state messages in (en-US or sv-SE)


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
BaseUrl Url to the valitive api
AuthorizationUrl Url to the valitive authorization service
TokenRequestCredentialName ValitiveToken Token request credentials
ClientCredentialName ValitiveClient Client credentials
UICulture en-US language to display state messages in (en-US or sv-SE)
