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Release date:2020-02-12

Warning: Please do not install this version if you are using the Catalog Sync plugin as it has a bug - ZSD-5016 - which will cause the synchronization to fail. The bug is resolved in version 1.25.

Always backup the Zervicepoint database before upgrading! If you experience an installation failure you must restore the database before continuing.

Multi-tenant upgrade

This release contains no changes in Provisioning System or Client Web Service.

ZervicePoint PowerShell Management upgrade

This release contains changes in the PowerShell Management module, see below for details.

New features

It is now possible to create links that look like services. Links as a service

The links can be configured to be opened in a new tab or the current tab. It is also possible to create a link to a specific Page in Zervicepoint. To create a Link go to the Services page in the AdminWeb: Links as a service add new

Service info in Z-api

Information about the currently displayed service is now available in the Z-api under Z.service.

The Z.service object contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
name String The name (identifier) of the service
displayName String The display name of the service in the current user's language
shortDescription String The short description of the service in the current user's language
description String The description of the service in the current user's language
cost Int The service cost (the initial cost, not counting selected quantity or items carrying additional costs)
monthlyCost Int The service monthly cost (the initial monthly cost, not counting selected quantity or items carrying additional costs)
totalCost Int The current cost of the order based on initial service cost, selected quantity and items carrying additional costs)
totalMonthlyCost Int The current monthly cost of the order based on initial service monthly cost, selected quantity and items carrying additional costs)
quantity Int The service quantity currently selected
tags String[] An array of service tags
isFavorite Boolean True if the service is marked as a favorite by the user, False otherwise
isCartCompatible Boolean True if the service is marked as cart compatible, False otherwise
isCountable Boolean True if the service quatity can be changed by the user, False otherwise
processUniqueId Guid The unique id of the service process
uniqueId Guid The unique id of the service

Changes in the Zervicepoint Installer

This release has no changes in the Zervicepoint Installer.

Changes in the Zervicepoint PowerShell module

Updated commands:

Command Description
  • New parameter -ServiceType for specifying the type of service to create (Service, Link or Page). Default value is Service.
  • New parameters -LinkURL and -LinkOpenType for service type Link.
  • New parameter -PageUniqueId for service type Page.

  • Updated classes:

    Class Description
    Service New properties ServiceType, LinkURL, LinkOpenType and PageUniqueId.

    Issues corrected

    Issue key Summary
    ZSD-4973 ZP Blandar ihop 2 användare/beställare
    ZSD-4997 Can't use IterationCounter variable in While activity inside Sequence activity
    ZSD-4998 Val() results in an error after clear() on dynamic dropdowns

    System requirements and Documentation

    You can find system requirements, documentation and knowledge base articles in our wiki here. Read about important information and breaking changes here. You can also have a look at our product site at

    Providing feedback

    If you would like to provide feedback or make a suggestion, please post a New Feature request in our service desk accessible from

    If you would like to report an issue with Zervicepoint, please visit our service desk accessible from

    Help the Zervicepoint documentation team ship the kind of product information you need most by giving us your feedback and comments. Submit your documentation feedback through our service desk accessible from

    Known Issues

    This section provides information about issues with Zervicepoint that were known at the time of writing this document. These issues may not appear in the product documentation, and in some cases may contradict existing product documentation. Whenever possible, these issues will be addressed in later releases.

    Issue Summary
    ZSD-4119 jquery.zfileupload.js följer inte IIS-inställningen
    ZSD-4565 [IE] When using long text on a Page with does not line break
    ZSD-4585 Quantity issue
    ZSD-4621 Activity feed shows wrong time in Safari
    ZSD-4723 Posting a dropdown bound to variable to the same form in a task will result in an additional null,null option in the dropdown
    ZSD-4728 Removing a Task form in the service editor cause an exception later when the task assignee is trying to access the form.
    ZSD-4732 User receives an exception when trying to order a service with a required field that is not bound
    ZSD-4750 GetDefault not triggered on New action in table page
    ZSD-4762 Text is pushed out and becomes not visible in Drop Downs ( InternetExplorer )
    ZSD-4857 Possible to approve orders after rejected on TimeOut
    ZSD-5016 New-ZPService error when using json created before version 1.24.2466