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Place an order

This article describes how to fill out the order form and placing an order using ZervicePoint PowerShell Management.

  1. Set the ZervicePoint Powershell environment variables


    $env:ZPAPIURL = ""
    $env:ZPAPIADFSHOST = ""
  2. Import the ZervicePoint Powershell module

    Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Zipper\ZervicePoint\PowerShell\ZervicePoint.WebApi.PowerShell"
  3. Acquire a security token from your ADFS server

    Not required if you are using an API Key

    Get-ZPSecurityToken | Set-ZPSecurityToken
  4. Get a reference to the service you want to order

    $services = Get-ZPService
    $multiFieldService = $services | Where Name -eq "MultiFieldService"
    $dynamicDropdownService = $services | Where Name -eq "DynamicDropdownService"
    $serviceSelectorService = $services | Where Name -eq "ServiceSelectorService"
    $selectedService1 = $services | Where Name -eq "SelectedService1"
    $selectedService2 = $services | Where Name -eq "SelectedService2"

Check out the latest examples for New-ZPOrder

Get-Help New-ZPOrder -Examples

Multi field service

Fill out the order form for a service with a text field, a check box and a restricted multi-select dropdown and place the order

New-ZPOrder -ServiceUniqueId $multiFieldService.UniqueId -FieldValue @{

Dynamic drop down service

Get the id and text for the dynamic dropdown from an existing order

Get-ZPOrder -ServiceName "DynamicDropdownService").Parameters | Format-List

Fill out the order form for a service with a dynamic dropdown for the Dropdown.ADUser data source and place the order

New-ZPOrder -ServiceUniqueId $dynamicDropdownService.UniqueId -FieldValue @{
    OwnerField=@{id="13afff80-97a3-408f-a8f7-6078dc967e16"; text="John Smith (johsmi)"}

Make sure you provide both id and text to the field value, otherwise you will get an error

Service selector service

Fill out the order form for a service with a service selector, add two services to it and place the order

New-ZPOrder -ServiceUniqueId $serviceSelectorService.UniqueId -FieldValue @{
        @{id=$; text=$selectedService1.displayName["en-US"]},
        @{id=$; text=$selectedService2.displayName["en-US"]}

Make sure you provide both id and text to the field value, otherwise the id will be shown for the user in the order details view