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Integrating with other systems

Dynamic forms with real time integrations and workflows that sets/receives data in target systems are built using the form and workflow designer in admin web. Below are some examples of methods to use.

Integrations in request- and approval forms

There are various ways of integrating with target systems in the request- or approval forms, below are some samples.

Integrations using dynamic drop downs

A dynamic drop-down fetches data from a data source, a data source is an inventoried PowerShell module function. The drop down can be configured using a variety of properties, e.g. searchable, placeholder, default selection, data source, categories etc.

A drop down gets its data securely via Zervicepoint Client web service (CWS). The data transfers directly between the device, using the form field, and Zervicepoint CWS. The data is signed and verified when submitting the form.

Dynamic drop down flow

  1. Ajax request is sent to Zervicepoint Client web ZP service. The request contains what PowerShell function to execute and the parameter (in this example “Anders”).
  2. Client web service executes the given PowerShell module with the parameter.
  3. The PowerShell module queries the target system.
  4. The PowerShell module receives the result from the target system.
  5. Client web service fetches the result and adds a signature.
  6. The result is rendered as options and/or categories in the drop down.

Getting a PowerShell Result using JavaScript

Zervicepoint Client web service can handle Ajax requests from custom JavaScript’s attached to form field events (onLoad, onChange, onSubmit). The scripts are added using the form editor in admin web. The result can be transformed with JavaScript and used to e.g. set values on form fields, validating input data in real time, render data tables or render reports. The principle for sending and receiving the data is the same as for dynamic drop downs. Advanced form logic can be added using Client web ZP service together with Ajax calls.'Get-ADUser', arguments).done(function(data) {});
Example, retrieving information from CMDB using AJAX request to Zervicepoint Client web service.

Embedding other Web Systems

The RTF-Text block field allows insertion of html code into the request or approval forms. This can be used to e.g. to extend the usability of the ZP service, embed video clips or other web-systems.

RTF-Text block field used to embed a Microsoft Power Bi Report.

Integrations in the workflow

The workflow editor in Zervicepoint has built-in workflow activities like for example approval, task, e-mail, conditional and while activities. This is a base offering with cornerstones needed to create logics in the workflow.

To integrate external systems like ITSM or Active Directory, more activities need to be added to the activity portfolio.

Extending the workflow activity portfolio

A PowerShell module contains functions that can be inventoried by Zervicepoint and then be made available as activities in the workflow designer.

If the PowerShell activity require parameters, these can be bound to variables. A variable can get its value from the order form, a previous workflow activity or from an approval or task form.

In the above image the PowerShell module “Activity.Exchange” is expanded and its activities are shown.