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Clear test orders from an installation before go-live

Use the following instruction to remove all ZervicePoint orders and workflows from an installation, for instance before going live.

  1. Stop the ZervicePoint Windows services

    This procedure requires the following ZervicePoint Windows services to be switched off - ZervicePoint Process System - ZervicePoint Provisioning System - ZervicePoint Provisioning Inventory System

  2. Clear tasks

    Run the following TSQL script in a query window against the ZervicePoint database in SQL Server Management Studio:

    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.Delegations
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskMetadata
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskAssignments
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskTranslations
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskStatusTranslations
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskStatus
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskComments
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.Comments
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.Tasks
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.TaskParameters
    DELETE FROM TaskComponent.Workflows
  3. Clear orders

    Run the following TSQL script in a query window against the ZervicePoint database in SQL Server Management Studio:

    DELETE FROM OrderComponent.OrderStatusTranslations
    DELETE FROM OrderComponent.OrderParameters
    DELETE FROM OrderComponent.Orders
    DELETE FROM OrderComponent.OrderEvents
    DELETE FROM OrderComponent.OrderIds
  4. Clear provisioning queue

    Run the following TSQL script in a query window against the ZervicePoint database in SQL Server Management Studio:

    DELETE FROM ProcessSystem.ProvisioningJobsQueue
  5. Clear profiles

    Run the following TSQL script in a query window against the ZervicePoint database in SQL Server Management Studio:

    DELETE FROM SecuritySystem.FavoriteServices
    DELETE FROM SecuritySystem.UserProfiles

    The profiles will be re-created when users log in again, but their language, time zone and culture settings will be lost.

  6. Remove the WorkflowManager scope for the "Store" store

    Run the following command in a PowerShell session:

    Remove-WFScope -ScopeUri https://<workflowhost>:12290/Store

    The scope and all instances belonging to it will be removed. The ZervicePoint Process System will create the scope again when it processes an order.

  7. Remove and re-create the ZervicePoint ServiceBus queue

    Run the following command in a PowerShell session:

    Get-SBNamespace -Name ZervicePoint

    Take a note of the ManageUsers property and enter it below:

    Remove-SBNamespace -Name ZervicePoint
    New-SBNamespace -Name ZervicePoint -ManageUsers

    Please note, that you have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to a couple of hours before executing "New-SBNamespace", otherwise you get the following error message

    "A pending deletion is remaining for the namespace 'ZervicePoint'"

  8. Restart the ZervicePoint Windows services

    Start the following services:

    • ZervicePoint Process System
    • ZervicePoint Provisioning System
    • ZervicePoint Provisioning Inventory System