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Person Lookup(SWE) Plugin

Stream line your new hire process with zervicepoint and the new Person Lookup - SWE plugin. Enter the Swedish social security number and get all names and address information. Validate the number supplied, minimize the risk for misspelled names and keep your data integrity in check.


Data sources Type
Get-ZPPLSEPersonInformation WebService

Installation and Configuration

Update Provider Config


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
ConfigID 2520 ConfigID needed by the web service
CredentialName PersonLookupSWE Name of the credential object stored in the Credential Manager
UICulture en-US Language to display state messages in (en-US or sv-SE)
ConnectionURI The connection uri to the Decidas web service


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
ConfigID 2520 ConfigID needed by the web service
CredentialName PersonLookupSWE Name of the credential object stored in the Credential Manager. Add Credential
ConnectionURI The connection uri to the Decidas web service

Personal numbers to use for test

The following numbers can be used for test

  • 191111111111
  • 192222222222
  • 193333333333
$config = Get-PFConfig -Path 'C:\Program Files\Zipper\ZervicePoint\ClientWebService\personlookupswe.clientwebservice.providers.xml'
cd $config.scriptpath
Import-Module .\WebService.PersonLookupSWE

Get-ZPPLSEPersonInformation -Ssn "191111111111" -Config $config