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Release date: 2019-04-12

Always backup the Zervicepoint database before upgrading! If you experience an installation failure you must restore the database before continuing.

JavaScript DOM manipulation deprecated

In this release there are warning messages to the JavaScript console log when the ZApi functions GetElement, GetContainer, GetElement and GetContainer are invoked. If you have cases where you need to manipulate the DOM, check our Migration guide.Migration guide

Multi-tenant upgrade

This release has changes to Provisioning System and Client Web Service.

ZervicePoint PowerShell Management

There are new functionality in Powershell Management see below for details.

New install.cmd file in this release

This release has no changes to install.cmd, but you should switch to the new install.cmd file that was introduced in 1.18.1829 and is included in all subsequent releases, if you haven't already.

New requirement

There is a new software requirement. .NET Framework 4.6 or above is required. Please update accordingly before upgrading to this Zervicepoint version. It is needed because we have started to support SQL server 2017. Note: .NET 4.6 might cause unpatched Service Bus 1.1 for Windows server to become unresponsive

New features

Textfield character limit

It is now possible to set the max amount of characters allowed in a textfield.

Textfield character limit

Clear static dropdowns with javascript

You can now clear the selected options in a static dropdown by using the javascript API. e.g. Z('#DropDown').val([])

Redirect button to service editor

It's now possible to navigate directly to the service in the Admin app from the User app. This is accomplished by clicking the pen icon on the service tile which will open a new tab or window in the browser which contains the administration view for the service. The icon is only visible for Zervicepoint administrators. This feature is only available for stores using New UI.

Redirect button to service editor

You can also navigate to the service in the User app by using the link at the bottom of the "Update service" page, next to the Save & publish button. This will open a new tab or window containing the specific service in the User app. This feature is only available for stores using New UI.

Changes to Zervicepoint PowerShell Management

New-ZPStore: It is no longer possible to create a store without a store administrator (because that store would be unusable).

Remove-ZPStore: It is no longer possible to remove the central ("Store") store.

Get-ZPOrder: ServiceName parameter now finds orders for services that are deleted or are updated to a newer version (issue ZSD-4440).

Get-ZPProcess and New-ZPProcess: Minor changes addressing issues related to Grouped Activities parameters (issues ZSD-4527 and ZSD-4537).

Issues corrected

Issue key Summary
ZSD-4567 Lato with line-height 1.1 results in characted accents being cut off in the catalog view
ZSD-4480 [New UI] Clearing time in a datepicker is also clearing date
ZSD-4440 Get-ZPOrder does not get all orders by service name
ZSD-4527 Get-ZPProcess fails when process contains a grouped activity with one or more unset parameters
ZSD-4537 New-ZPProcess fails when a grouped activity has unset parameters
ZSD-4593 Newtonsoft.Json not included in ProvisioningSystem.Inventory installer

System requirements and Documentation

You can find system requirements, documentation and knowledge base articles in our wiki here. Read about important information and breaking changes here. You can also have a look at our product site at

Providing feedback

If you would like to provide feedback or make a suggestion, please post a New Feature request in our service desk accessible from

If you would like to report an issue with Zervicepoint, please visit our service desk accessible from

Help the Zervicepoint documentation team ship the kind of product information you need most by giving us your feedback and comments. Submit your documentation feedback through our service desk accessible from

Known Issues

This section provides information about issues with Zervicepoint that were known at the time of writing this document. These issues may not appear in the product documentation, and in some cases may contradict existing product documentation. Whenever possible, these issues will be addressed in later releases.

Issue Summary
ZSD-4612 Task SetStatus command duplicates child parameters
ZSD-4608 Requested by in task is empty when the requester and receiver of task is different
ZSD-4590 DateTimePicker does not allow manual date entry in table page
ZSD-4585 Quantity issue
ZSD-4565 [IE] When using long text on a Page with does not line break
ZSD-4559 Site/Store-Object does not refresh its values correctly
ZSD-4540 [Catalog Sync Plugin] SFTP stops working when certificate no longer matches cached fingerprint
ZSD-4534 [Old UI] When a service contains an empty form section no table actions works for that service
ZSD-4454 [newUI] Dynamic dropdown with category doesn't present value correct in approval form
ZSD-4391 Mobile GUI bug in Service Selector
ZSD-4378 [ZervicePoint Mobile] Pages does not show up in navigation menu
ZSD-4352 [New UI] Datetime picker push down below footer
ZSD-4119 jquery.zfileupload.js följer inte IIS-inställningen
ZSD-3727 [NewUI] DropDown (not searchable) with Search function in provider returning nothing will say "Type to search" in new ui
ZSD-3710 Changing case in post-deployment scripts in Localization database doesn't change value in web
ZSD-3708 ServiceTiles have one white pixel border in Chrome
ZSD-3394 It's possible to delete used task form
ZSD-3317 [Old UI] Dropdown and multi checkbox default value does not show in admin web order details variable list when field is readonly
ZSD-3316 [Old UI] Service-selector default value does not show in variable list in admin web when field is readonly
ZSD-3305 Service selector close drop down directly in IE11 when there are many services
ZSD-3303 .disable() in old UI does not disable fileField when it has value
ZSD-2653 [OldUI] Not possible to multi quick approve approval and manual tasks for services where form contains required fields
ZSD-2652 iframe (allowed) tags are not safe in infoblocks (admin web)
ZSD-2650 Delayed validation in userweb setup form doesn't show validation message for fields
ZSD-2644 Error message in PopulateServiceSelectorDetails is wrong
ZSD-2640 Get-ZPCategoryTree returns system pages as well as pages
ZSD-4564 The menu in mobile is buggy when expanding and collapsing categories making it impossible to scroll in certain conditions.
ZSD-4563 When favoriting a service on mobile the current service is reloaded. This empties filled in forms.
ZSD-4282 [Old UI] Create service from user web changing cost and monthly cost behaves weird