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Product Catalog

Tired of spending time on manually creating services in Zervicepoint that is mirroring some external supplier's product catalogue and then keeping them up to date? Let the Catalogue Sync Plug-in handle this task for you instead, automatically syncing products from suppliers like Dustin, Atea and Cygate and making them possible for your users to browse and order directly from within Zervicepoint. Everything in one place, get your priorities straight - Automate.


  • Syncing products from external suppliers
  • Supports FTP, SFTP, Web service, File and Script as data source for the import/sync (data format must be XML)
  • Highly customizable. Control, among other things...
    • How attributes are mapped. For example, which data attribute to map to the Cost property of the service in Zervicepoint
    • How services are mapped to pages
    • How services are mapped to processes
  • Choose to run sync operation from either a scheduled job or trigger it with a service from within Zervicepoint
  • Includes a Zervicepoint activity to run a product catalog sync and also a picker that is used to select the configuration file to use when running a sync operation
  • Includes a Zervicepoint activity to send a product order to a vendor's order webservice
Data sources Type
DropDown.Configuration Drop down

Installation and Configuration

Update Provider Config


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
AteaOrderServiceUri A link to a supplier specific order service.
AteaOrderTestServiceUri A link to a supplier specific test order service.
AteaRemoveEmptyNodes OrderHead, OrderLines A comma separated string with node names which determines if empty node or empty child nodes will be removed.
UICulture en-US language to display state messages in (en-US or sv-SE)
SaveOrderXMLPath C:\MyLocation If included it determines if the order xml file will be saved locally, specified as a directory path to the location which the xml should be saved.


Update the provider config with the settings applicable for your environment


Key Example Value Description
AteaOrderServiceUri A link to a supplier specific order service.
AteaOrderTestServiceUri A link to a supplier specific test order service.
AteaRemoveEmptyNodes OrderHead, OrderLines A comma separated string with node names which determines if empty node or empty child nodes will be removed.
UICulture en-US language to display state messages in (en-US or sv-SE)
SaveOrderXMLPath C:\MyLocation If included it determines if the order xml file will be saved locally, specified as a directory path to the location which the xml should be saved.