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This view shows a list of all orders in the system. It is possible to filter the list which makes it easier to find a specific order. Clicking on an order brings up a detailed view where one can see the following.

  • All events that has taken place during the lifetime of the order as well as any exceptions that has occurred.
  • All tasks tied to this order.
  • All variables and their values at the start of the order.



List activity events during the workflow.

Event Comment
Ordered Event when user submitted order from userweb
Queued Event when ProcessSystem placed order in queue
InProcess ProcessSystem submits order to workflow system
Completed Event when the order has completed
Error An exception was thrown
Terminate Order was terminated by admin
Restart Order was restarted by admin
Waiting Order is waiting for assignee to approver/task activity to complete action
Delay Order is delayed using delay activity
Approval Approval activity
Task Task activity
Rejected Approval activity was rejected


List approval/task details.


List Cost, MonthlyCost and Quantity and any additional variable created.


Only data from the Order Form variables will be shown in the variable field, any updates to variables during the workflow is not shown here.


Restarting an order

You can restart orders in the Orders view.

Option Comment
Restart Restart service with same version as when order was submitted
Restart with latest service version Restart order with latest service version


Using ZP API to lookup orders

You can use the cmdlet Get-ZPOrder to lookup order details

Get-ZPOrder will return the following details

Property Example Comment
OrderId 1000 OrderId
ServiceId 133 ServiceId and version
ProcessId 137 ProcessId and version
Requester fee9c4e8-a97b-4f9c-b4b3-cb603a671d9b UserProfile
Receiver fee9c4e8-a97b-4f9c-b4b3-cb603a671d9b UserProfile
Parameters Example List of variables
Events Example List events
Tasks Task object Lists tasks/approvals, you can also retrieve the same task from an order using Get-ZPTask -OrderId 1000
Status Already member of group. Last reported State activity message
OrderDate 2019-01-01 00:00:00 OrderDate
Quantity 1 Quantity
ServiceCost 0,00000 Value from System.Order.Cost
ServiceMonthlyCost 0,00000 Value from System.Order.MonthlyCost
OrderState Completed Last reported order state


Use Get-Help to retrieve examples of how to use the Get-ZPOrder cmdlet

Get-Help Get-ZPOrder -Examples