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Work with translation variables

This tutorial will show you how to work with translation variables with a simple example.

A translation variable is a text string that changes depending on the culture setting of the reader.

After the tutorial watch this video for further details on how to work with translation variables.

Step 1: Create an empty service

If you aren't sure on how to do this follow the steps in this tutorial.

Step 2: Create a translation variable

  • Go to the variables tab in the service editor
  • Click on Create new variable
  • On Name write translation
  • On Type choose Translation

Step 3: Create a new activity that supports translation variables

If you do not know how to create a basic activity follow the steps in this guide first and the continue with the steps below.

  • Add the following function in your activity module:
function Get-ExampleTranslation($config)
    $returnHash = @{}

    $translation = @{}
    $translation['en-US'] = "Message in English."
    $translation['sv-SE'] = "Meddelande på Svenska."
    # Add more cultures if needed

    $returnHash.translation = $translation
    return $returnHash
  • Make sure the function is included in modules to export.
  • Restart ProvisioningSystem or wait for an inventory cycle to run.

Step 4: Create a simple workflow with the new activity

Create a workflow with the newly created activity and a State activity.

Bind the state activity to the translation variable.

Save the service.

Step 5: Order the service

Result when ordering the service as a user with Swedish culture:

Result when ordering the service as a user with English culture:

The culture can be changed from you profile page in Zervicepoint.